måndag 29 augusti 2016

growth mindset 4

  1. What are neurons and how do we make connections between our neurons?

    Our brain has like cells that connect together and when they connect a signal goes around our brain, and from that we can get different ideas.

Think of an example where you made some new connections in your brain. What were you doing?

On time when my bicycle chain jumped off I tried to put on the chain but I failed, then my brain connected, after that I tried again and then I succeeded.

  1. What can you do this week to make some new connections? Set one specific goal.

    My goal this week is to do the math homework . Then I'm free after that.

fredag 26 augusti 2016

Growth mindset 3

  1. . What should you do if you are stuck on a project, math problem, or other learning? 
    I would ask my friends if I was stuck on a math problem or something. Because it's a good thing if you learn new things. And from that knowledge you can help another friend if he or she is stuck on something.

  1. Think of a time you were afraid to ask for help. Why did you feel afraid?
  1. One time when my class did multiplication test, and I did't know how to answer, I was afraid to ask for help because i thoght that they would laugh at me.

    Why is the word "yet" so powerful? Think of a "yet" moment in your life and describe it.

    It's so powerful because you are not going to give up because you can't do a thing, you can always do it later and succeed. One time when I was doing math exercises I couldn't do it but after I asked my teacher and I worked harder I succeed. 

måndag 22 augusti 2016

Growth mindset 2

  1. What does the quote from the video, "mistakes can make you smarter" mean to you?
  1. You learn from your mistakes.

    How can we learn from our mistakes? Talk about a specific, recent example.

  1. If you don't know how to play football and you kick the ball to the wrong side, then you practice how to kick the ball to the right side and from that mistake you learn.

    If you were building a robot and kept "failing,” what would you do?
           I would try to build it again and after 5 times I would give up.

Growth mindset

  1. Why does Mojo want to leave school? Can you sometimes relate to how Mojo is feeling?

    Mojo wants to leave the school because he gets hard maths exercises. And he thinks he is not good enough. 

    2. What does Katie say to Mojo to convince him not to leave?

    She says that the brain is like a muscle and you can be smarter when you train your brain. And she motivates him.

    1. Do you think Mojo can become smarter? Why or why not?

      I think if Mojo trains and does the exercises he can be smart. And he needs to have someone that he or she can motivate him.

      4. What subject do you feel frustrated by sometimes? Can you see yourself becoming smarter in that subject? How?

      The subject I feel frustrated by Maths because sometimes when my teacher gives me some exercises I don't understand. But if I think on my own and do my homework perfectly I think I can get a better grade.