tisdag 21 april 2015

W. 17

I did lyricstraining and it is about to hear a song and just write the lyrics to the music.

and the song was stole the show by - Kygo. And it was pretty easy. But sometimes its little advance. 

I didn't find some hard words.

I have read a text on news in levels. And it's about

A man who climbed up for dubai's tallest skyscrapers. And it is fifty two years old Alain Robert. He climbed up to Cayan tower and it's is 75 storey high. And Alan completed the 307 meter high   ( 1.007  feet ) structure in just 70 minutes.

My hard words is :

Scale =  to climb up high

Harness = A rop to hold up so yo cannot fall.

Ledge =  Its' a thin peace of concrete on a wall.

Ascent = When you climb up something.

Be no stronger = to have experience. 

torsdag 16 april 2015


Activity: I listened to a short tape in BBC. And it was about a man who wanted to sell a gun to udercovered police officer in Oklahoma.

It was the 14th of April 2015. When a black man sold a gun to an undercovered police officer. But the black man didn't know that it was a police officer. And then he saw a civil police car came.  Then he ran away but then the police chased him. After that the police officer took his gun but he thought it was the teaser then he shoot him. And after the black man was taken to the hospital he died. Because he had injurys. And the police officer received two years in prison.

I didn't find some diffucult words

Elias retold to me on English.

torsdag 9 april 2015

Log- book w. 15

Activity : I listened to a short tape in new in levels. And it was about Earth hour. My five words.

Earth hour is to understand something that is important. On Earth hour the whole world switch off their lights. They are switching off the lights at schools, buildings and houses. They are switching off the lights for  60 minutes. And thew hole world is doing that to make people aware of the importance of saving the energy in the world and to get a better climate.

Awareness - Experience/ To understand something = vara medveten om

Span - connect = spänna över

encourage -  uppmuntra

plugged - secure= säkrad / kontakt instucken i väggen

essential - important = viktig , betydelsefull